Really enjoyed this piece! As a kind-of-newly-turned 30 year old, I’m having similar realizations/anxieties about my own life. Also, you’re job sounds really cool. I was in education for years and switched career paths…find myself missing the kids a lot!

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Yay! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Turning 30 has really just been a rollercoaster of life has so much to offer as opposed to the society lie of "life is over." As my bestie said, we reach adulthood at 25 (or at least that's the age she decided on). So really, we're only a bunch of five-year-olds out here trying to figure out what is going on.

What do you do now? And what led to the career path switch?

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So now I basically write product descriptions all day for a promotional products company 😂 it’s super easy, kinda fun, and I get to work from home (best part)! I basically switched jobs because I wanted to try my hand at landing any kind of writing job. But again, kids are so funnnn and nobody in my company ever says anything nearly as interesting as the stuff kids say on a daily basis 🤣

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